Do you want to infuse more social justice values into your work?

Do you have clients struggling with issues you’re not an expert in – like bisexual identity or non-monogamy? Do you want your students to consider the world through an anti-oppression lens?

Do you want to consult with someone (who gets it!) on the politics of your work?

I can help.

I work with client-facing professionals on finding more comfortability in bringing their social justice politics to the forefront of their client work. This can look like learning how to name systems of oppression with feminist-reluctant clients; engaging in professional development around relationship issues that were left out of your training; unlearning the objective, “blank slate” norm of your profession; and more.

You and I both know that there is no apolitical way to support clients – especially not in our current political climate, where ignoring the realities of oppression is becoming less and less of an option. We know it isn’t helpful to depend on traditional training within oppressive institutions to do our best for those we serve. So let’s work together to reroute your practice to be more aligned with what you believe: that your work is inherently political.

Whether you’re a therapist wanting support on complex client issues or an educator looking to develop a more politically aligned curriculum, I have the skills and the experience to make it not just easy, but fun.


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New Romantics is a monthly newsletter focused on love and liberation – like an old-school advice column for interpersonal relationships, but from a politicized lens! If you want a warm, validating hug that comes with practical, grounded ideas in your inbox, this is it.

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New Romantics is a monthly newsletter focused on love and liberation – like an old-school advice column for interpersonal relationships, but from a politicized lens! If you want a warm, validating hug that comes with practical, grounded ideas in your inbox, this is it.

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